To do it via console, “religion catholic”.Ģ) The much more complicated way (but you get to fight as Hrolfr) that won't work in Ironman.Ī. Problem is, via the intrigue tab it will cost 1000 prestige that you may not have. Might want to become Christian ASAP to avoid having your title stripped. Skol! Or is it voila now that you’re French?. If you want Charles to be his direct liege - pause & switch to his Duke-liege “play 168246” and transfer vassalage to King Charles.

In this case, you may not need as strong of a character if it's timed just right.Į. Optionally, wait until France is weak from raids and wars to ensure victory. Normal marriage does NOT seem to persuade him like I used to do).Ĭ.ĝeclare war against King Charles for a county conquest of Rouen (aka Arques). Invite Hrolfr to your court (if he won’t come even with a gift, just bring up the console using ` key and type “move 242” to move him to your court. You could also take the time to figure out who Hrolfr will like to increase chances he comes to your court.ī. Play as a strong (large levy / event troop) Norse King (e.g., Bagsecg of Jylland has large levy and doesn’t start out at war, Haraldr Fairhair same, Bjorn, Halfdan, Ivar, Sigurdr, etc.). Also, most of this (minus making Charles a direct liege) could be done in Ironman without console commands (IF Hrolfr will come to your court).Ī. Obviously you could just "give_title c_arques 242" and be done, but where's the *fun* in that?ġ) The pseudo realistic / historic, also simplest, method where you must fight and win a battle against West Francia.

IRL, he took over Rouen ~918 according to Wikipedia, so you can wait 50 years game time if you want :P But then the character ID numbers likely won't all match what I have here, so you'll have to utilize "charinfo 1". Must start 867: Hrolfr de Normandie is a courtier in Nidaros (aka Trondelag) county (de jure Norway). Ideas of how to play as Hrolfr de Normandie (aka Rollo). I saw some posts today about playing as "Rollo", so I thought I'd share what I worked on today.